Looking for dynamic categories for site 'ThatGuyWithTheGlasses' Found 30 dynamic categories for site 'BBC iPlayer' Looking for dynamic categories for site 'BBC iPlayer' DoPageLoad with CurrentState 'videos', PreviousWindowId '4758' OnlineVideosPlayer: Play 'rtmp://#Url=rtmp%3a%2f%%3a1935%2f&RtmpApp=iplayertok%3ftoken%3dc3RhcnRfdGltZT0yMDEzMDYyNjIyMTQ1MCZlbmRfdGltZT0yMDEzMDYyNzAyMTQ1MCZkaWdlc3Q9MTUwZTc0ZGI0MTlkZGRkMGZjMzdkOTI3NTBiMWU4ZWQ%3d&RtmpPlayPath=mp4%3a3200kbps%2fb0369pk9_1372125317&RtmpSwfUrl=http%3a%2f%2f OnlineVideosPlayer: Duration 1735.13 sec
Here's the log of one video stuttering followed by another with smooth playback but both streams are supposedly 720p H.264 Is my VP2 video card never going to be able to do this and I should look at a new low power platform like AMD's Kabini? Is there the potential for GPU acceleration for what might be an unusual video format to be added later to LAV Filters/OnlineVideos?

Is there something I can fix software wise? This all works great with broadcast TV in H.264 (UK Freesat) but I find I have to choose the lower quality steams with OnlineVideos to avoid stuttering (or more likely little 1 second segments repeated 3 or 4 times) with sites like BBC iPlayer yet I can play the same or higher resolution and bitrate steams from other sites like ThatGuyWithTheGlasses.Īm I somehow not using LAV Filters' GPU acceleration even though the log says it's a H.264 stream, I have LAV Filters chosen for all video types and DVXA2 native enabled and working? I have a pretty pathetic CPU in my TV box (single core Pentium M 760, 2Ghz) which is mitigated by a Geforce 9400GT to allow decoding of high bitrate 1080p using native DVXA2 & LAV Filters.